Mugwort smoke cleansing wand
Mugwort (also known as wild/common wormwood) has been used for thousands of years to alleviate joint pain, menstrual cramps, allicit vivid dreams, and used as a mild sedative. In some cultures, the smoke has also been utilized in the last weeks of pregnancy in flipping a breeched baby. Avoid mugwort if pregnant unless authorized by your doctor as it has been effective in causing miscarriage
Mugwort (also known as wild/common wormwood) has been used for thousands of years to alleviate joint pain, menstrual cramps, allicit vivid dreams, and used as a mild sedative. In some cultures, the smoke has also been utilized in the last weeks of pregnancy in flipping a breeched baby. Avoid mugwort if pregnant unless authorized by your doctor as it has been effective in causing miscarriage